Article Review on the differences between the generations

Article Review on the differences between the generations within the workplace
Read the article indicated below that discusses the differences between the generations within the workplace and how to develop interpersonal skills for better employee involvement and interaction with fellow employees. Also, this article identifies how the values are placed upon each generation (Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers) and leads into how to better manage and involve the multiple generations within the workforce.
Note: The birth year range for Baby Boomers in the article differs from the range found in the textbook (p. 41) and the generally accepted range of 1946-1964. Complete the article review by showing your understanding of the article’s contents by addressing the questions and directives below. Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. The following are questions and directives to be used in completing the review: What is the author’s main point? Who is the author’s intended audience? Identify and address the differences in the interpersonal skills from the generational differences and how they might be overcome.
Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and reference provided.
This is the article that you will use and attached below:
Kelly, C., Elizabeth, F., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2016). Generation gaps: Changes in the workplace due to differing generational values. Advances in Management, 9(5), 1-8.
 hr  Human Relations  Article Revire  Interpersonal Job Oriented Skills
Answer Preview…………….
In the first place, the authors of the article of made identification of various groups of generation gaps which include the veterans, baby boomers, Generation X as well as the millennial. The characteristics of each have been identified; ideas, values as well as their technique of communication. The authors have a made a groups comparison and concluded how the variation could have an impact on their relationship. Some of the recommendation…………………..
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