Art as a transformative force in the world, English homework help
Read the following instructions carefully, and follow them thoroughly.
Topic: Art as a transformative force in the world
For this paper, you will choose one of the subtopics below to research and write about. Your arguable thesis will be a central point you wish to make about how art can function as a means of transforming lives, specifically as it relates to the subtopic you’ve chosen. Your supporting claims (topic sentences) and elaboration in each body paragraph will each expand on that central thesis, exploring the various ways in which this transformation can benefit lives. Your research/evidence will provide statistics, expert opinion, examples and case studies, descriptions, etc., to support your ideas.
Choose from one of these subtopics (then further brainstorm to focus on a central point you want to make [your thesis]):
- Art in prison
- Art in blighted neighborhoods
- Art and elders
- Art and veterans or people with PTSD
- Art and the AIDS crisis
- Art and refugees and/or survivors of war
- Art and women in oppressive cultures
- Art and children (Research shows that exposure to art goes beyond making children more “creative”)
- MINIMUM OF SIX VARIED (i.e. not all web sites) SOURCES of EVIDENCE in English. Sources should be appropriate for an academic paper, as well as credible and current for this topic.
- You should include 1-2 counter-arguments along with appropriate rebuttals.
- You must keep a folder with photocopies of your source material in case you’re asked to provide proof of your evidence to verify the authenticity of your paper.
- You must submit BOTH a hard copy AND electronic copy (via the Dropbox) by the stated deadline.
- PLAGIARISM: All papers are screened for plagiarism. Plagiarism is a severe matter. Using others’ ideas, writing, commentary, terms, etc., REQUIRES citation in MLA format. Failure to do so is plagiarism. (See the MLA section of A Writer’s Reference.) Plagiarism also consists of having someone else write portions of your paper for you. If your paper has been found to contain plagiarism you will receive an F, the incident will be reported to the Campus Disciplinarian, and you are likely to fail the course since the Research Paper is the most heavily weighted assignment. Please do not take any risks; write a paper that consists of your own good ideas and assertions with support from credible, fully cited sources of evidence.
The main criteria are:
1) The topic should be focused, but not too narrow for a research paper;
2) The paper should approach and explore the topic in a meaningful (not shallow or trivial) way;
3) Evidence should be credible and relevant throughout.
- Length: 7-9 pages. This does NOT include your Works Cited Page
- –>Outline (REVISED THESIS & OUTLINE including complete TOPIC SENTENCES)
Thanks in advanced!