Are unions an effective vehicle for productive management –
Watch the following video and answer the questions below: The Return of Workplace Wellness (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.The Return of Workplace Wellness
1. Share your company’s wellness program or research a company’s wellness program of your choice? (brief paragraph or outline)
2. As an HR professional how do you encourage employees to be involved in a wellness program and do you think it’s appropriate to penalize employees for not participating in the wellness program?
3. How if at all do you participate in your organization’s wellness program and how has it changed you as a person?
The slides in this week’s lecture present a simple view of the role of unions in management-labor relations. However, unions have differing levels of impact depending on the industry (including education, governments, as wells commercial entities). The role of unions in a globalized economy is a hotly debated topic.
What do you think?
· Are unions an effective vehicle for productive management – labor interactions?
o – If yes, why?
o If no, why not?
· If unions were no longer in existence, would employees be better or worse off?