64) Although managers must be technically competent,

64)Although managers must be technically competent, technical knowledge is often notenough for success.
65)Managers get things done through other people.
66)Modern theorists have condensed Fayol’s five management functions down to four:planning, organizing, commanding, and controlling.
67)Monitoring, comparing, and correcting activities are all included in thecontrolling function.
68)When managers initiate and oversee new projects that will improve theirorganization’s performance, they are acting in the capacity of an entrepreneur,which is an example of an informational role.
69)Research conducted by Luthans supports the belief that promotions are based onperformance.
70)Many people’s views on human behavior are based on intuition.
71)Conflict and power have been major topics of concern to social psychologists.
72)Anthropology has helped us understand differences in values and attitudesbetween people in different countries.
73)OB researchers cannot offer reasonably accurate explanations of humanbehavior since people act very differently in similar situations.
74)Workforce diversity is a topic dealing with how organizations are becoming morehomogeneous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity.
75)Forty percent of the U.S. labor force is female.
76)Today’s managers and employees must learn to cope with temporariness; learningto live with flexibility, spontaneity, and unpredictability.
77)There’s an increasing blurring between the work and nonwork time.
78)Organizational behavior models generally assume job satisfaction to be anindependent variable.
79)An organization that is productive must be both effective and efficient.
80)An organization is productive if it achieves its goals and does so bytransferring inputs to outputs at the lowest cost.
81)Reasonable levels of employee-initiated turnover facilitate organizationalflexibility and employee independence.
82)The difference between the amount of rewards workers receive and the amountthey believe they should receive is termed job satisfaction.