51) All of the following are routine announcements EXCEPT A)
51) All of the following areroutine announcements EXCEPTA) alerting customers about asaleB) informing your employees abouta promotion within your departmentC) notifying the public about jobopportunities in your companyD) sharing new terms of servicewith your customersE) acknowledging that youreceived the files that your client sent
52) Announcements to employees atyour company are typically made in all of the mediums below EXCEPTA) company websiteB) memoC) flyerD) newspaperE) email
53) Which of the followingstatements is NOT true?A) An announcement email rarelyrequires a response.B) An announcement email isusually a one-way, informational communication.C) An announcement email shouldbe organized so it is easy to skim.D) An announcement email will goto a broad audience.E) An announcement email will goto just one or two people.
54) Using the blind carbon copy(bcc) feature of email ________.A) discloses to the recipientthat you are sending a copy of the email to someone elseB) respects the recipients bykeeping their identities and email addresses privateC) is ethical if you areintending to deceive the “to” recipient about who is receiving theemailD) is unethical if the recipientcan’t be disadvantaged or hurt by sharing the message secretlyE) diverts recipients’ attentionfrom the message content with an overly long header
55) Which of the following is anexample of a routine business message providing instructions?A) notifying customers of a priceincreaseB) explaining how to complete arequisition formC) confirming a project deadlinewith a clientD) informing a coworker that youhave the data she requestedE) requesting assistance on aproject from a colleague
56) To make it easy for theaudience to follow the instructions, ________.A) jump right into the directionsat the start of your messageB) if the sequence or order ofsteps is important, use bullets instead of numbersC) include only one action perstep of instructionsD) if an instruction isconditional, identify the condition after the action verbE) if a step requiresexplanation, place the explanation before the action
57) A brief overview at the startof your instructional message ________.A) will divert readers’ focusfrom the directions that are the point of the messageB) is unnecessary in most cases,and will confuse readersC) will help your audienceunderstand when and why they need to use the instructionsD) will waste readers’ time anddistract from the instructional aspect of the messageE) will give readers all theinformation they need, and allow them to skip to the end of the message
58) Which of the following bestexpresses the role of goodwill in business?A) Goodwill is a luxury thatcommunicators can’t afford, given the more important priorities they mustachieve.B) Goodwill is merely etiquette,adding embellishments to messages to make them sound more polite.C) Goodwill is a nice indulgencethat allows you to be gracious to people when you have extra time and energy.D) Goodwill is key to buildingand strengthening the relationships that are vital to an organization’ssuccess.E) Goodwill is the icing on thecake, that allows people to feel good about the hard work they do.
59) All of the following areexamples of goodwill messages EXCEPTA) a note thanking a coworker forher assistance on a projectB) an email telling a colleagueabout a book you think he’d find interestingC) a card expressing yourcondolences for an employee whose family member diedD) a phone call congratulating acoworker on her promotionE) a letter telling a customerthat her claim has been granted
60) Thank-you messages ________.All of the following accuratelycomplete the statement above EXCEPTA) express appreciationB) make your audience feel goodabout something they have done for youC) offer you the opportunity todisplay your professionalismD) should always be handwrittenE) may be conveyed over the phone