37) Total supply chain costs represent the majority of

37)Total supply chain costs represent the majority of operating expenses for manybusinesses and in some industries approach 75 percent of the total operatingbudget.
38)All CRM packages contain modules for PRM and ERM.
39)Major CRM application software vendors include Siebel Systems, PeopleSoft, SAP,and Salesforce.com.
40)Cross-selling markets complementary products to customers.
41)CRM software can help organizations identify high-value customers forpreferential treatments.
42)Analytical CRM uses a customer data warehouse and tools to analyze customerdata collected from the firm’s customer touch points and from other sources.
43)Enterprise systems require fundamental changes in the way the businessoperates.
44)Around the globe, companies are increasingly becoming moreconnected, both internally and with other companies.
45)After implementing enterprise software from Oracle, Alcoaeliminated many redundant processes and systems.
46)Canada Post delivers more than one piece of mail per person inCanada five days a week.
47)The difference between push- and pull-based models is summarizedby the slogan “Make what we sell, not sell what we make.”
48)Companies are realizing that their only enduring competitivestrength may be their relationships with customers.