1. What are the economic, legal, and ethical issues in this

1. What are the economic, legal, and ethical issues in this case? 2. Who are the stakeholders and what are their stakes? 3. Do individual employees have the final right to their individuality? To their appearance? 4. Can employers legally restrict tattoos and body jewelry in the workplace through dress and appearance codes? 5. Could an employer refuse to hire a person who has body art or body piercings even though he or she agrees to keep them hidden? 6. Where will this issue be in 10 years? ACFO at a major firm recently stated: “Do whatever you want to your body, but I don’t want to be subjected to it in the workplace.” He went on to say, “It’s a distraction and it’s especially important to hide when investors visit the office.” According to a 2006 study, almost half of Americans between the ages of 21 and 32 have at least one tattoo or a body piercing other than in an ear. An earlier poll found that men and women both say their tattoos make them feel sexy and rebellious, while men and women who don’t have tattoos say body art is unsightly and they think those who have them are less intelligent and less attractive. Though many young people are unaware of this history, tattoos were once the noticeable mark of bikers, sailors, and felons. All that seems to be changing as new demographic groups, especially young people, have begun to have tattoos and display body jewelry more than ever before.