1. Drawing on the notions of moral, amoral, and immoral
1. Drawing on the notions of moral, amoral, and immoral management introduced in Chapter 7 categorize your impressions of (a) Nestlé, in the infant formula controversy and (b) Union Carbide, in the Bhopal tragedy.
2. As an MNC seeks to balance and honor the ethical standards of both the home and host countries, conflicts inevitably will arise. What criteria do you think managers should consider as they try to decide whether to use home or host country ethical standards?
3. Explain ISCT and the concepts of hypernorms and moral free space. Provide an example of each. What difficulties would a manager encounter in applying these concepts?
4. Differentiate between a bribe and a grease payment. Give an example of each.
5. Conduct research, for purposes of updating, the latest rankings of Transparency International and the activities of the OECD, UNCAC, and individual country initiatives. How could countries such as China and India most effectively improve their TI rankings?
6. What are the major strategies companies might employ in improving global business ethics? What are the key steps research has shown are important to successful company anticorruption efforts?